SMS Vikings can create outgoing SMS campaigns. The gateway allows you  to send important news, acquire entries for contests, get live votes, send promotional offers and more, all via instant messaging texts. The advantage of SMS is its high degree of readability in contrast to an email. We’re talking about almost 95% for SMS, and 15 to 30% for mail depending on the industry and the company’s reputation.

Available on request

Open soon to the public

DroidStore Canada is a joint undertaking of Okidoo that specializes in retail products that work with the Android operating system and their accessories. DroidStore is currently in development and conducting market research. A website will launch soon to test the range of selected products.

This project is in development

The Voodoo Stats application is a Web analytics system more advanced than its predecessors. In fact, it pushes its analysis to obtain Facebook information from visitors if they’re logged in. Furthermore, Voodoo Stats cross-references the friends of current users to look for potential users. Each potential user is then placed in a list according to a contiguity hint.

Available on request

Game – Augmented Reality with

Unity and Oculus Rift

We’re currently developing a game that combines the technologies of the Oculus Rift and Unity in order to create a virtual world in augmented reality. Using the latest advancements in 3D composition with Unity, we can produce a vast and realistic rendering. In addition to using the Oculus Rift glasses to create the sense of sight in augmented reality, we’re working on some of its other aspects. We can’t say more for the moment, but this technology could drive the gaming world to another level …

Do you have a brilliant idea ?

We’re open to suggestions to develop your ideas in partnership with you. If you possess an excellent idea to develop for the Web, fill out the following form and we will contact you to confirm if your project is selected for further development. One project per year will be selected for internal development at Okidoo.

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